1.SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT The welfare of all personnel working on (NMC) premises, including our employees as well as employees of our subcontractors, is of strong interest to us. Accordingly, it is important that each individual recognize certain rules when doing his job. These rules are basic and general in nature and cannot cover every possible working condition. Therefore, the cooperation of each person is a necessity so that operating procedures and work methods do not expose you or your co-workers to injury. Remember, safety is a team effort in which each individual must share to eliminate or reduce the risk of loss or damage to personnel or property. Good judgment and common sense are required to supplement any rules. If you have any doubt at any time, consult your supervisor. Report all accidents, injuries and near misses as soon as possible to your supervisor. Health, Safety and Environmental Policy and Commitment In the management of our activities, (NMC) is committed to the following principles: Pursue the goal of no harm to people o Protect the environment o Manage HSE matters as any other critical business activity o Promote a culture in which all (NMC) employees share this commitment Promote the well-being of employees as an essential part of business activities (NMC) HSE policy requires everyone to stop any work, or prevent work from starting, where adequate controls of HSE risks are found not to be in place Signed 2. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY STATEMENT Because our company has a strong regard for environmental protection, and safety concerns, we will conduct our activities in such a manner as to protect the physical environment, our employees, our customers and the general public. We will comply with environmental, stewardship, safety laws and regulations and will develop and implement programs to ensure compliance. We will be both responsible and responsive in our efforts related to environmental protection, and employee safety. When our company becomes aware of environmental and product safety risks not covered by existing laws or regulations, we will develop our own good faith standards and practices based on comprehensive and relevant scientific data. We will cooperate with the public, government, industry and employees in (NMC) Health and safety policy Document No. (NMC)-HSE Revision: A Customer: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: identifying environmental, and safety goals and in developing effective control programs. Each operating unit of the company is expected to be guided by this policy in forming plans, setting objectives and conducting their day-to-day activities: 2.1 Environmental Policy (NMC) pledges to comply with current environmental legislation, best practices, and to achieve a balance between economic, social, and environmental responsibilities. We are committed to avoiding damage to the environment by any of our actions and operations. (NMC) is dedicated to continual improvement and efficient use of resources, which will be achieved by setting and ensuring successful implementation of environmental objectives.
2.2. (NMC) DRUG, ALCOHOL POLICY SCOPE: All persons employed by (NMC) or affiliated companies are subject to the terms and conditions of this policy. For the safety of our employees and our customers, (NMC) prohibits the use, possession, being under the influence or distribution of illegal drugs, alcohol, other intoxicants, firearms, or contraband, when reporting to work, while at work, while on company premises, in company vehicles or vessels, or on customer or third party property, vessels or vehicles. (NMC) and its customers have the right to test for the presence of drugs and/or alcohol in our employees. This policy does not bar the moderate use of alcohol at company-sponsored functions approved by the president of (NMC). The laws of many foreign countries in which (NMC) operates have extremely severe drug laws, which include the death penalty for some drug violations. It is understood that if you and/or your family violate any of the foreign country›s drug laws, (NMC), your embassy, high commission or counsel are virtually powerless to come to your aid. The primary purpose of this policy is to promote the safety and wellbeing of all employees. It would be inconsistent to promote a strong safety effort while allowing the use of drugs and/or alcohol or the possession of firearms to undermine the safe and effective performance of employees on the job. As a maritime and pipeline contractor, the company will comply with the Iraqi department of Transportation requirements for all vessel personnel (DOT).shall apply to non-maritime employees (non-DOT). All collections shall be conducted. Note: The entire Drug and Alcohol program is available for review in the HR Department or Safety Department. 2.3. COMPANY MALARIA POLICY It is the policy of the company to protect the employee against communicable diseases by creating a safe environment. Malaria is a very serious health hazard that has resulted in prolonged illness or death. To prevent the infection of this disease, employees may be required to see the company medical doctor for immunization and follow all medical treatment necessary to ensure their health and health of their co-workers. This includes initial physician visits, follow-up visits and taking prolonged medication as required. Medication will be provided to employees at no cost. The medic assigned to each vessel will keep a written record of each employee‘s status in the anti-malaria medication regimen. 2.4. COMPANY POLICY on EEO / HARASSMENT (NMC) provides equal employment opportunity in employment to all employees and applicants for employment. No person will be discriminated against in employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, or military status. It is also the policy of the company to provide employees a workplace free from any form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in any manner or form is expressly prohibited. 2.5. VIOLENCE IN THE WORKPLACE (NMC). Strongly believes that all employees should be treated with dignity and respect. Acts of violence will not be tolerated. Any instances of violence must be reported to the employee‘s supervisor and/or Human Resource Department. All complaints will be fully investigated. The company will promptly respond to any incident or suggestion of violence. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate discharge. 2.6. SMOKING IN THE WORK PLACE There is not a specific No Smoking Policy within (NMC), however to accommodate both those personnel who don‘t smoke, and those that do.